SmartBorder ISF Portal


The main portal screen is the foundation of the SmartBorder ISF application.  From this screen you can access each area of the application, and you can also customize this portal to meet your specific needs.  The welcome page features the latest Industry News, Federal Register notices, and CBP Administrative Messages.







Click ISF Filer to access the main ISF filing options.  Click Change Log to view the recent changes/updates to the SmartBorder ISF application.  ISF Reports will open the ISF reports module and you can also click ISF Help to access this manual directly from the SmartBorder application.


Click Profiles, Products, Parties to add/edit profile/product/party information. These modules allow you to create and manage client profiles, product lists, and transaction parties in SmartBorder ISF.


These options allow users to edit their SmartBorder settings.  To add/edit users, click User Management.  Other options include "Change Password" and "Change Skin".  These options (and others) will allow you to modify/customize your SmartBorder experience to suit your needs/desires.



For detailed information on the basic portal function/feature buttons, please review the Portal Basics